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Provision is made for the children to have a school meal or to bring a packed lunch, however since September 2014, all children in Foundation, Year 1 and Year 2 are automatically entitled to a free school meal.

A school meal costs £2.53 for all Year 3, 4, 5, and 6 pupils.

The meals are of a very high quality and the children are allowed a controlled choice from a varied menu of both hot and cold options. The kitchen will always ensure there is a vegetarian alternative, and all dietary restrictions can be catered for.

Menus for the term are displayed on noticeboards in school, the weeks are on a 3 week rotation system.

Meals can also be paid half-termly or termly in advance using our online payment system, Arbor.

If you wish to apply for free school meals, application forms can be obtained from the school office or are attached, or you can apply online at: