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Opening of Queen Elizabeth II Courts

We were delighted to welcome the Mayor and Mayoress of Godmanchester to cut the ribbon at the Grand Opening of our Queen Elizabeth II Courts. 

Whilst the weather may not have been on our side, our school community certainly were and it was fantastic to see so many pupils and their families at the event. 

The project which has transformed 'the cage' into 'Queen Elizabeth II Courts' would not have been possible without the hard work of our staff, in particular Mrs Jo Tester, who first sketched out a design for the courts over two years ago.  In addition to Mrs Tester's hard work, we are incredibly grateful to ACES Trust who supported us with funding this project. 

We are now delighted that our school has this fantastic facility that has already had a positive impact on our PE and Games provision and also playtimes.  We are also very keen for this facility to be an asset that the whole of Godmanchester can benefit from.  We are delighted that local sports clubs are already expressing interest in hiring this space.  If you know any organisations who may be interested in using 'the courts', please ask them to make contact with our school office 

Thank you to all of you who attended this evening and the staff who were involved in organising the event.