Eco-Council Going for Green
Our Eco-Council and associated Garden Club members have been working hard towards achieving 'Green Flag' Eco-School status.
With the support of Mrs Harman, the council have devised an action plan and are working to ensure that our school and curriculum is as green as possible.
The council have agreed the following focuses for this academic year:
1. Begin a Gardening Club so that we can produce our own produce to be used in food technology lessons.
2. Design and plant a wildlife area to increase the amount of butterflies, bees and other pollinating insects on the school grounds. There is also a hope that this area may attract other forms of wildlife which could be observed as part of science and art lessons.
3. Establish a 'Park and Stride' initiative by providing families with alternative parking opportunities within the local area so that they can walk for at least part of their journey to school.
We are pleased to inform you that our Gardening Club is already up and running and that a number of local businesses have been contacted to begin the 'Park and Stride' initiative.
Mrs Harman and the council now have their own section on this website (found under curriculum and pupil voice) which they will be regularly updating with their efforts and achievements.