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We're here to help!

During our assembly today, I shared the book 'The Huge Bag of Worries' with the children and I spoke about how important it is to talk about things that make us feel worried, scared, nervous, anxious etc.

The book is a great conversation starter if you have concerns about your child feeling anxious or nervous. If you would like to borrow a copy of the book then please get in touch and we would be happy to share a copy with you.

We frequently remind the children that they can talk to anyone about anything no matter how small and that everyone has the right to feel safe all of the time. We believe these messages are key and hope that you can help to reinforce them at home.

Every child has had the opportunity to create a 'network hand' during their PSHE lessons. This hand identifies people in and out of school who they feel confident in talking to when they have a worry, concern or problem. Again, we hope that you can help to reinforce the use of this network at home.

Finally, please remember that whilst we are primarily hear to support your child, we are also here for you too. Despite Covid, our door is open and we are always happy to offer support and advice where we can.
Miss Morgan, our school-based family support, can be contacted via email using