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Equality Objectives

Objectives for 2022-2026

Objective One

To promote cultural understanding and awareness of different religious beliefs amongst our school community

Why have we chosen this objective?

We want to ensure that all cultures and religious beliefs represented within our school community are represented within our curriculum so that we can confidently say that our offer provides a mirror into one’s own life and a window into the lives of others.


RE lead to ensure that our RE Curriculum represents the main world faiths but also those evidence within our school community.

Co-Head teachers to ensure that reflection and assemblies celebrate the cultural and religious makeup of our school community and the local community.

Teachers and Leaders to utilise the knowledge and skills of different cultural and religious groups when delivering learning (visitors and visits both virtual and physical)


Objective Two

To monitor and promote the involvement of all groups of pupils in our school extra-curricular offer, especially pupils with special educational needs or disabilities

Why have we chosen this objective?

Previously, we have not collated data to show whether different groups, including those with SEND are represented fairly in extra-curricular activities. We hope that they are but we want to ensure this is the case.  


Office to collate a database to show the take up of places within extracurricular activities.

Office to keep a databases for the uptake of places on trips and residentials to ensure that all groups are represented fairly and that any barriers are removed.


Objective Three

To ensure that the achievement (progress) of children from vulnerable and disadvantaged families (Pupil Premium) improves so that it is in line with or above that of all non-disadvantaged children.

Why have we chosen this objective?

The achievement of children from vulnerable and disadvantaged families is not currently in line with or above that of all non-disadvantaged children.   


 Pupil Premium Strategy is reviewed at least annually to ensure the impact of budget on the attainment and progress of pupils.

Intervention and support are in place with clear timelines or actions and evaluations.

Pupil progress meetings track attainment and next steps for teaching and learning.

Data and test level analysis to identify misconceptions or gaps in learning.